弘揚工匠精神 精益求精 鑄造軍工品質
關于我們 /
洪湖雙馬堅持“精品戰略”,全力為客戶創造價值,使“洪湖雙馬”成為一種可靠的品質保證。公司嚴格貫徹ISO9001:2014 /ISO14001:2004管理體系,精心創造優勢,不斷加大科技及硬件投入,多項成果獲國家專利;嚴格實施安全生產標準化、系統化、可追溯化管理,通過人、機、物料、環境、方法的和諧運作,注重績效管理和持續改進,把產品質量控制落實到生產的每一個環節,從原材料購進、自動化生產在線檢測,質量控制/研發/檢測中心對產品都嚴格進行層層把關,讓洪湖雙馬產品盡顯一流品質。
HHSM insist on the first quality strategy and put fully effort to create value for customers, which made HHSM as the guarantee for quality. HHSM strictly follow the ISO9001:2014 /ISO14001:2004 management system and fully make use of the advantages, expand the investment on technology and hardware, many national patent has been achieved; we strictly implement safety production standard, systematic and traceability management, with the harmonious cooperation between people, machine, material , environment and manufacturer method, focusing on improvement continuously, implement the product quality control in every circle of production. In the raw material purchasing, production on-line inspection, quality control, R&D and inspection center, HHSM control the quality strictly which makes HHSM a high-quality brand.